Baptism is the first of the Sacraments of the Church and it is required before any other Sacrament can be received. Baptism is a new birth into the spiritual family of the children of God.  We believe that God calls people into His Church, including infants, and that through Baptism we are adopted by God, and so belong to Christ, and that as children of God we inherit the kingdom of heaven.

It is because of our adoption by God that it is usual only to be baptised once, and that to be in the name of the Trinity of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. In the Anglican Church we baptise infants and adults. Infants have their promises made on their behalf by Parents and Godparents. Adults make the decision for themselves and are supported in this by sponsors.

how To arrange a Baptism

It is usual for the parents and Godparents of infants to meet with one of the Priests of the parish to discuss the responsibilities of Baptism. Older children may be expected to prepare for the sacrament of Confirmation alongside their baptism.

Baptism of adults

We welcome anyone who wishes to inquire about the Christian faith and the life of the church. If you have no history in the Christian religion, an informal course of instruction will culminate in baptism. This symbolic washing with water is the sacrament that signifies your acceptance of Jesus Christ as saviour and your entry into the church. Adult baptism may be administered either in private or at one of our Sunday masses, according to your wishes.