Fr Daniel Dries

The Rev'd Dr Daniel Dries


The Rev’d Dr Daniel Dries is the eleventh Rector of Christ Church St Laurence. He was ordained in the Diocese of Newcastle (NSW) and has served in a number of parishes in that Diocese, including Christ Church Cathedral, Newcastle. Fr Daniel was inducted as Rector of CCSL on the 21st of January, 2013. Prior to his ordination, Fr Daniel pursued a career as a professional musician and teacher. Fr Daniel is married to Peta, also a professional musician; they have two daughters, Charlotte and Emily. Fr Daniel greatly enjoys the beauty of the liturgy and music at Christ Church St Laurence, as well as the colour and diversity of its growing parish.


Fr Ryan Austin-Eames

The Rev'd Ryan Austin-Eames

Senior Assistant Priest

The Rev’d Ryan Austin-Eames is the Senior Assistant Priest at Christ Church St Laurence and likes Latin so here it is: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque ac feugiat odio. Quisque posuere diam sit amet condimentum fermentum. Ut eleifend libero enim, ut convallis massa cursus mattis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Fusce sit amet justo a velit sodales aliquam. Nullam dictum sem quis urna iaculis fringilla. Mauris volutpat nisi ante, at volutpat sapien euismod eget. Vestibulum facilisis auctor nisl et rhoncus. Suspendisse potenti. Etiam ac maximus felis, eget tempor ante. Proin sollicitudin risus nulla, ac laoreet ante ornar

Sam Allchurch

Director of Music

Sam holds a Bachelor of Music from the University of Melbourne and a Master in Music from the University of Cambridge where his study with Stephen Layton was supported by a scholarship from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

As Director of Music at Christ Church St Laurence, he is responsible for conducting the Choir of Christ Church St Laurence, Sunday by Sunday and for special feast days and observances throughout the year as well as a vibrant series of concerts and recitals.

Sam is committed to supporting Australian composers and has commissioned liturgical music for Christ Church St Laurence from Joseph Twist, Fiona Loader and Brooke Shelley. In addition to his work at Christ Church St Laurence, Sam is also Artistic Director of the Sydney Chamber Choir, and Associate Artistic Director of Gondwana Choirs. Guest appearances include City Recital Hall’s Flash Mob Choir, Festival of Voices, Tasmania and the Combined Schools Music Festival.


Peter Bruce

Parish Administrator

Peter Bruce has a BEc from the University of Sydney. He worked for 17 years at Westpac in both administration and branch management roles. He then spent 17 years at Hewlett-Packard in business operations and project management positions. He and his wife Caroline have been members of the Evensong Choir since 2004.