Your donation will help to ensure the continuation of our worship in liturgy and music, our pastoral care and outreach, and the preservation and improvement of our historic buildings.

If you are part of the Christ Church St Laurence family, whether by attending in person or as part of our livestream congregation, we suggest you make your offering directly to our General Account:

Christ Church St Laurence General Account
BSB: 062-006
Account No: 1072-7975

One-off & Recurring Donations

If you wish, you can set up a recurring offering through your online banking system, in place of a weekly plate offering. We urge you to consider this method of giving, which ensures a reliable income stream for the church.

For one-off donations, or donations from overseas, we are grateful for your donation via PayPal’s secure online system*

*PayPal receipts are subject to transaction charges, it may be preferable that recurring donations are made to direct to the General Account above.

Gifts & Bequests

From time to time, parishioners and friends express their wish to make a gift to the parish for a particular purpose, or in memory of a loved one. Anyone interested in giving to the parish is most welcome to discuss their ideas or wishes with the rector or one of the wardens.


Christ Church St Laurence is grateful for the many bequests, large and small, that it has received over many years, and continues to receive, from parishioners and friends. These gifts have endowed the parish with a treasured material and financial patrimony.

In order to be certain that your bequest will be received by the parish use these resources:

Christ Church St Laurence Bequest form