Christ Church St Laurence possesses two very fine instruments which lead the choir and congregation through centuries of beautiful sacred music. These are the Main Organ (which sits above the chancel, on the southern side) and a Klop Chamber Organ (which accompanies the choir in the chapel, or at the back of the church).

1892 Hill & Son Organ

The first organ was destroyed by fire in 1905 before the current organ was purchased from the residence of R A Andrews of Leichhardt for £1,000. It had spent the first 15 years of its life in the concert room of Mr Andrew’s Leichhardt residence “Frog Hollow”. For seven years it stood at floor level in the position now occupied by the St Laurence Chapel (where its predecessor had also stood, prior to the disastrous fire which destroyed the interior of the church’s East end). In 1912 it was raised to its present rather unusual location on a high platform at the right hand side of the chancel by Charles Richardson, who also added a concave and radiating pedalboard. Slight modifications were made to timberwork in the façade, to accommodate the casework under the chancel ceiling. A new Swell bellows was also installed, to permit the addition of a Tremulant for this division. The organ was overhauled in 1966 by ST Noad and Son when tuning slides were fitted, the Swell Celeste replaced by a Piccolo and the pedalboard re-faced. In 1979-80 Orgues Létourneau Ltée of Québec carried out a renovation and enlargement, adding a second hand Trombone 16 ft and Fifteenth 4ft to the Pedal using electric action.

For a detailed history, to hear recordings, and for more information, please visit the Organ Music Society of Sydney.


In 1994 the 2 Pedal windchests were restored with the external power motors returned to their original traditional design. At this time the firm also installed a new Pedal Trombone, with new windchests, the pipes themselves being donated by Orgues Létourneau. A new windchest for the Pedal Fifteenth was also made by the Jewkes firm, and this stop was relocated to its present position, level with the manual pipework. In 2005, work was done on the organ gallery to provide better access and more room around the console and in 2006 the Jewkes firm took the organ apart for a thorough cleaning. The Choir Clarionet was also fitted with new reed tongues revoiced to restore the original Hill tonal qualities.


Open Diapason 8
Violon Diapason 8
Hohl Flute 8
Principal 4
Harmonic Flute 4
Mixture III
Trumpet 8
Swell to Great


Open Bass 16
Bourdon 16
Violoncello 8
Fifteenth 4*
Trombone 16#
Swell to Pedal
Great to Pedal
Choir to Pedal


Bourdon 16
Open Diapason 8
Rohr Flute 8
Salicional 8
Principal 4
Piccolo 2+
Mixture III
Horn 8
Oboe 8


Gamba 8
Lieblich Gedact 8
Dulciana 8
Wald Flute 4
Clarionet 8
Swell to Choir

Compasses: 56/30

Action: manuals mechanical; pedals and stops tubular pneumatic
Accessories: 3 thumb pistons to Swell and Great; Great to Pedal reverser by thumb and toe piston

+ Replaced original Voix Celeste c.1965
*  Added 1980, electric action
Added 1994, electro-pneumatic action

2011 Klop (Chamber) Organ

Built in 2011 by Dutch builder Henk Klop, this single manual chamber organ is used to accompany early repertoire, as well as form part of the continuo when performing early works with other instruments. The instrument is portable, and accompanies the choir either within the St Laurence Chapel (where the choir sings on Sundays), or at the back of the Church (where the choir is stationed during Holy Week). Housed in an attractive Cherrywood case, and with all pipes constructed from wood, its specification is below. The purchase of the Klop Chamber Organ was made possible by the generous donations of parishioners and the wider community. The instrument boasts an 8′ Gedact, 4′ Flute, 2′ Principal and 1/3′ Quint (from middle C).