About St Laurence House Youth Services

To assist children and youth who are homeless or in danger of homelessness in Sydney, St Laurence House Youth Services was established in 1978 by the founding parishes of Christ Church St Laurence and St James King Street.

The organisation has been providing accommodation, support and care for homeless children and young people for the past forty-five years. It has evolved from the original drop-in centre/crisis refuge in the southern CBD into a long-term residential service in the eastern suburbs that operates a refuge, staffed 24/7 plus semi-supported units.

The 24/7 service offers a unique, holistic, ‘Trauma Informed Care’ program that focuses on meeting the complex needs of homeless children and young people. It also aims to equip them with the personal, social, and living skills necessary for getting on with an independent life. The semi-supported units provide ongoing case management services for youth moving into independent living.

The qualified staff of St Laurence House Youth Services demonstrate considerable commitment, sensitivity and careful planning.

St Laurence House Youth Services is jointly funded by the two parishes, its supporters and the NSW Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) in accordance with the Specialist Homelessness Services Program.

Philosophy and Mission

The Philosophy of St Laurence House Youth Services is to retain an essential humanitarian approach in the provision of care, support and hope to youth who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless and to endorse the right of these individuals to achieve their full potential.

Its mission is getting homeless children and young people back on track.

Donate to st laurence house youth services

To provide all its services, each year St Laurence House Youth Services needs to raise about 25% of its income from donations and fund raising. If you would like to donate, please click here to go to the donate page on the St Laurence House Youth Services website.

St Laurence House Youth Services - Offering Stability & Community

The individual support and care from consistent access to extremely competent caseworkers and social workers is an invaluable privilege I am lucky to have.

Invaluable service for society and the best place in Sydney for teenagers out of home.

You guys have really shaped me into the person I have become, the special thing about St Laurence house is that I can see the care, love and dedication you put into knowing us and helping us to achieve our goals.

I have more emotional and mental stability at the house - without it I would be doing way worse at school.