Our volunteers are essential both to the running of the parish’s day-to-day operations and to our outreach to the many visitors and disadvantaged people who find their way to our church. Our areas of volunteering appeal to a variety of temperaments and aptitudes, and in most cases the necessary skills can be learned on the job. For further information about any of the following, or to get involved, please contact the parish office.


The church is open every weekday. It is staffed by volunteer vergers who greet visitors and serve coffee and sandwiches to anyone in need. Vergers also keep an eye on the security of the church. Vergers are rostered for a morning or an afternoon every two weeks.

Welcomers & Sidespersons

The Welcomers greet worshipers at Sunday services. The Sidespersons greet worshipers and hand out service books, and take up the offertory collection. It is normally expected that you will have worshipped at the church for some time before volunteering as a welcomer or sidesperson.


There is a roster for reading lessons and prayers at some Sunday services. It is an advantage to have experience in speaking audibly before good-sized audiences.

Morning Tea & Breakfast teams

On Sundays, breakfast is served after the 7.30 am mass, and tea and coffee are served after the 9 am and 10.30 am masses.  Volunteers help with serving these refreshments and with cleaning up afterwards. This form of volunteering is well suited to newcomers, as a way of coming into contact with a large number of worshippers.

Belltower Books

Volunteers open and serve at the West Door and Hall Bookshops after services, those whose interest and encouragement support acquisitions and display of books and other items, and all those who gather in sharing interests and suggestions with all visitors to the Bookshop after services on Sundays. All volunteers are welcome, but if you have experience in retailing or the book trade you will be doubly welcome.

Brass Cleaning

Brass cleaners maintain the many pieces of plate that are seen in the church or used in services.

Flower Arranging

Flower arrangers procure and arrange the glorious displays that appear in the church on most Sundays.


A team of servers assists at all Sunday services. It is normally expected that you will have worshipped at the church for some time before joining the servers’ team.