Youth & Children at Christ Church St Laurence

Children are joyfully welcomed to every service at Christ Church St Laurence.

A message to Parents

To the parents of young children, we say: please relax! God put the wiggle in children. Please do not feel you must surpress it in this holy place. If you bring a young child to the service, we encourage you to sit toward the front of the church (children will be more attentive if they can see what is happening at the altar), and to quietly explain the service to your child. Please sing, pray and respond, and encourage your child to copy you. At communion, lead your child toward the altar rail. The priest will be delighted to say hello and welcome, and to bless your child.

If you feel you need to take your child outside of the service and in to the porch, do so, but please come back!

sunday school

Sundays at 9.00 am

The Sunday School is held in the Parish Hall each week during the 9.00 Sung Eucharist and lasts for approximately 40 minutes. Children return to the Church before the Offertory so they can experience the Great Thanksgiving and Communion.

Our Sunday School program follows the lectionary so parents and children can discuss what they have learnt following the service. We have two Sunday School groups.

Sunday School for 4-8 year olds. This group enjoy singing, praying, playing and listening to a Bible story and responding through craft or art-making activities.

Our Junior High Group is for those 8 years and older. This more mature group studies and discusses the relevant reading/s for the week. We encourage questioning and discussion as we delve into applying God’s word and following Jesus. We also enjoy fellowship and playing some games during our time together.

More Information

For information about Sunday School please contact our Youth Ministry Leader at or the parish office at or by phoning (02) 9211 0560.

Child Safety

All our paid and volunteer children and youth workers are subject to Anglican Diocesan Safe Ministry protocols and ongoing training. This includes ensuring that those who work with under 18s are not “prohibited persons,” and hold a current “Working with Children Check” clearance. They are also required to undertake Safe Ministry Training or equivalent, and to complete a refresher course every three years.

The national Anglican Code of Conduct, Faithfulness in Service, applies to all office bearers and leaders in our parish whether paid of voluntary.

More Information

Christ Church St Laurence maintains a Safe Ministry Representative and all enquiries relating to safe ministry are referred through the parish office.

Quotes from kids to go here.

Quotes from kids to go here.